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Text File  |  1998-11-30  |  32KB  |  1,019 lines

  1. VERSION 5.00
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  4. Object = "{00028C01-0000-0000-0000-000000000046}#1.0#0"; "DBGRID32.OCX"
  5. Begin VB.Form frmDBViewer 
  6.    Caption         =   "Database Viewer"
  7.    ClientHeight    =   7395
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  28.          Bindings        =   "frmDBViewer.frx":0442
  29.          Height          =   3030
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  66.          ToolTipText     =   "Click here to 'Print' the data."
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  85.          ToolTipText     =   "Search on the first field of the grid below."
  86.          Top             =   3825
  87.          Width           =   1680
  88.       End
  89.       Begin VB.Timer Timer1 
  90.          Interval        =   1500
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  92.          Top             =   5805
  93.       End
  94.       Begin VB.Data dbGridSource 
  95.          Caption         =   "dbGridSource"
  96.          Connect         =   "Access"
  97.          DatabaseName    =   ""
  98.          DefaultCursorType=   0  'DefaultCursor
  99.          DefaultType     =   2  'UseODBC
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  101.          Height          =   345
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  105.          RecordsetType   =   1  'Dynaset
  106.          RecordSource    =   ""
  107.          Top             =   5715
  108.          Visible         =   0   'False
  109.          Width           =   1140
  110.       End
  111.       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRefresh 
  112.          Caption         =   "&Refresh"
  113.          Height          =   285
  114.          Left            =   4905
  115.          TabIndex        =   9
  116.          ToolTipText     =   "Refresh the Tree View."
  117.          Top             =   3600
  118.          Width           =   690
  119.       End
  120.       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdPrint 
  121.          Caption         =   "&Print"
  122.          Enabled         =   0   'False
  123.          Height          =   285
  124.          Left            =   5625
  125.          TabIndex        =   8
  126.          ToolTipText     =   "Click here to print Table Structure."
  127.          Top             =   3600
  128.          Width           =   690
  129.       End
  130.       Begin VB.CommandButton cmdClose 
  131.          Caption         =   "&Close"
  132.          Height          =   285
  133.          Left            =   6345
  134.          TabIndex        =   7
  135.          ToolTipText     =   "Click here to 'Close' the program."
  136.          Top             =   3600
  137.          Width           =   690
  138.       End
  139.       Begin ComctlLib.ProgressBar PBar 
  140.          Height          =   195
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  143.          TabIndex        =   6
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  148.          _ExtentY        =   344
  149.          _Version        =   327682
  150.          Appearance      =   1
  151.       End
  152.       Begin VB.CommandButton cmd 
  153.          Caption         =   "..."
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  165.          TabIndex        =   3
  166.          ToolTipText     =   "Click here to select a database."
  167.          Top             =   360
  168.          Width           =   330
  169.       End
  170.       Begin VB.TextBox txtPath 
  171.          BackColor       =   &H00FFFF00&
  172.          BeginProperty Font 
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  182.          Left            =   135
  183.          TabIndex        =   2
  184.          ToolTipText     =   "Type in a database name with full path. Then click the 'Refresh' button."
  185.          Top             =   360
  186.          Width           =   3840
  187.       End
  188.       Begin ComctlLib.StatusBar StatusBar1 
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  197.          _Version        =   327682
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  199.             NumPanels       =   3
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  201.                Object.Width           =   7056
  202.                MinWidth        =   7056
  203.                Text            =   "                      Tables / Fields"
  204.                TextSave        =   "                      Tables / Fields"
  205.                Object.Tag             =   ""
  206.             EndProperty
  207.             BeginProperty Panel2 {0713E89F-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7} 
  208.                Alignment       =   1
  209.                Text            =   "Field Type"
  210.                TextSave        =   "Field Type"
  211.                Object.Tag             =   ""
  212.             EndProperty
  213.             BeginProperty Panel3 {0713E89F-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7} 
  214.                Alignment       =   1
  215.                Text            =   "Field Size"
  216.                TextSave